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Kiku saku niwa

This dress, made from black Tomesode, balloon shaped, depicting an image of a Japanese garden with chrysanthemums, wild mandarins and a stream, made of 100% silk.

White to Black  


All-black one-piece dress with a white / gray / black shades pattern on the front, matched with a shawl of the same design. 

White to Black  


All-black one-piece dress with a white / gray / black shades pattern on the front, matched with a shawl of the same design. 

Violet flower lane


Background of  deep purple color, painted with vertical flowers, can be play on silhouette by changing the binding of the belt, made of 100% silk.  Versatile one-piece dress.

All black  


All black dress with Kamon in the center on the front. Combined with the belt made by Furisode it offers a strong contrast. With Haori all black. All 100% silk.